join MySmileage club - get 25 smiles just for registering!

It’s fast, easy and free!

You can always earn rewards on your Menchie's account but now we have the smiles YOU want. When you register your card you can earn special smiles and perks available only to registered members.

$5 in Menchie’s money every time YOU earn 50 smiles
25 bonus smiles just to say thank you for registering
10 extra smiles when YOU visit Menchie’s within 7 days of registering
Special offers and smiles just for YOU
VIP access to tastings for YOU to try new flavors and products
  And more...
To get started, register your card in the upper
righthand corner of this page. To learn more about this program, click here


Enter your phone number to register.

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OR enter the first 12 digits from the back of your card to get started.

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(ex. 900x-xxxx-xxxx)


Already registered? Log in to change your profile or preferences.

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To check your balance please enter your membership number. This number can either be found on the back of your mySmileage card or the phone number you used when you enrolled.

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(ex. 900x-xxxx-xxxx)